Sportshall Athletics

Cambs AA Sportshall events and representative Teams

Cambridgeshire AA organise annual Sportshall athletics competitions, on a team competition basis, which are then used as the basis for County team selections for the Regional finals for Under 11’s/13’s/Under 15’s.  

Sportshall coordinator is Louise Richardson – loura1722071427thlet1722071427ics101722071427@gmai1722071427l.com1722071427

Sportshall 2024/25

After the success of our 2023-4 season we are launching our Sportshall Competitions for 2024-5. As in previous years will be hosting 2 Sportshall competitions. 

23 November 2024 12.00 pm – 4.00 pm at Bushfield Leisure Centre in Peterborough and 7 December 2024 12.00 pm – 4.00 pm at the University Sportshall Cambridge 

These competitions are open to all athletes aged 9-15 years of age competing in u11s.  u13s and u15s age categories.   We are fully inclusive to all abilities and this is a great fun introduction to athletics.

The competitions will also be used to select athletes to represent the Cambridgeshire Sportshall Team at the Regional Finals in early 2025 which will be held on Saturday 1 February 2025 at the University of East Anglia’s Sportspark, Norwich, NR4 7TJ

If your school or club are interested in getting involved and would like more information please contact Louise Richardson on 07732 407070 or loura1722071427thlet1722071427ics101722071427@gmai1722071427l.com1722071427

Report on the Regional sportshall final 2024

Car parking map for Cambridge Uni sportshall use car park 8 please

A club/school invitation letter can be found at the bottom of this page. 

The competitions involve three age groups,:

Under 11’s,                    School Years 5 – 6

Under 13’s                     School Years 7 – 8

Under 15’s                     School Years 9 – 10

using their age as on 31st August 2023 (ie last summer’s T&F age-groups).

County teams of Under 11’s, Under 13’s and Under 15’s will be selected from the results of these fixtures, for the Regional Finals which this year will be held at the Norwich University Sportspark on Saturday 17 February 2024.

The competitions are as follows:

Under 11’s – teams of 6 boys or 6 girls (You can include additional athletes into the team if you have spares, but no mixed gender teams please). Each team member will take part in 3 field events, an individual 1 lap and 2 lap race  and may also take part in 2 relays. There are nine field events grouped as jumps (3), agility (3) and throws (3). Competitors may not compete in more than one event from any group. Relay events are Circuit (Obstacle) relay (4 runners), 4 x 1 lap relay, 6 Lap Paarlauf , 1+1 lap Relay (2 runners),

Group A – Standing Long-jump, Standing Triple Jump, Vertical Jump. Group B –  Balance test, High Stepper and Speed bounce. Group C – Chest push, and soft javelin. Two athletes to score in each individual event

Note this is different from previous years for under 11’s

Under 13’s – teams of up to 12 boys or 12 girls. No mixed teams. Athletes may take part in a maximum of 3 individual events plus 2 relays. Events are 2 lap race, 4 lap race, 6 lap race, shot, standing Long jump, standing triple jump, vertical jump, speed bounce, paarlauf relay (2 athletes), 4 x 2 lap relay, circuit relay (4)

Non-scorers are permitted in all events subject to the limit of 3 individual events per athlete.  “B” teams can be entered.

Under 15’s – teams of up to 6 athletes – the highest scoring 4 individuals are scored together with the relays to give the team score. Each athlete must take part in 3 individual events, one from each group, and may do only one relay.  Teams must not have more than 3 athletes in any single event.

Group A – 2 lap race or 4 lap race, Group B – shot or Speed Bounce, Group C – Standing Long jump and either Standing Triple jump (Boys) or Vertical Jump (Girls)

Non-scorers are permitted in all events subject to the 3 individual event limit per athlete.

It would be appreciated if all clubs and schools could initially confirm their interest, and in which age-groups, by e-mail to Louise Richardson at loura1722071427thlet1722071427ics101722071427@gmai1722071427l.com1722071427