About us
Cambridgeshire AA (Cambs AA) is the County Athletic Association and is affiliated to England Athletics (the National Governing Body) and to South of England Competitions Ltd.
Cambs AA organises County Championships and selects teams for National and Regional Inter- County Championships and events.
Cambridgeshire Athletics Association Constitution
Officers of the Association
- President – Mr Keith Flint
- Chairman – Mr Adrian Martin
- Vice Chair – Mr Keith Flint
- General Sec – Mr Colin Pettit e-mail mikoc1733085407offee1733085407@aol.1733085407com1733085407 Tel 01733 361026 / 07740 853154
- Treasurer – Mr Roger Richardson
- Officials Sec T&F – Mrs Carol Wright e-mail cambs1733085407offic1733085407ials@1733085407gmail1733085407.com1733085407
- Officials Sec Endurance – vacant
- Trophies Sec Mr Wayne Dubose
- Photofinish manager – Mr Al Weaver e-mail alwea1733085407ver@s1733085407ky.co1733085407m1733085407
- Sportshall competition coordinator- Louise Richardson e-mail richa1733085407rdson173308540757@nt1733085407lworl1733085407d.com1733085407
- Track & Field competitions Sec – Mr Noel Moss e-mail cambs1733085407aatan1733085407df@bt1733085407inter1733085407net.c1733085407om1733085407
- Cross-country Championships Sec – Rachel Waterworth
- Road Race League Sec – Ty Farrer – e-mail tyfar1733085407rer3@1733085407gmail1733085407.com1733085407
- Road Running team manager – Mr Ty Farrer
- Females T&F team manager – Jessica and Wendy Fox e-mail wendy1733085407jfox@1733085407hotma1733085407il.co1733085407m1733085407
- Sen/U20 mens T&F team manager – Mrs Pamela Abbott e-mail Senio1733085407rMen.1733085407Cambs1733085407AA@gm1733085407ail.c1733085407om1733085407
- U17 Men/U15 Boys T&F team manager – Mr Ryan Lydon e-mail ryanl1733085407ydon@1733085407yahoo1733085407.com1733085407
- Crosscountry teams manager – Mr Derek Darnell e-mail coach1733085407dezza1733085407@gmai1733085407l.com1733085407
- Statistician – Miss Nicola Gibson e-mail nicho1733085407la-gi1733085407bson@1733085407ntlwo1733085407rld.c1733085407om1733085407
- Trophies Sec – Mr Wayne Dubose
- Club Representatives – R Lyle (C&C), B Corleys (Bushfield) + 2 vacancies
- Auditor – Mr A Scott
Affiliated clubs/organisations
There are 22 Athletics and Road Running Clubs affiliated to the Cambridgeshire Athletics Association (Cambs AA). These clubs cater for all ages and standards. The main disciplines are Track and Field, Road Running and Cross-country.
Clubs with significant T&F competition activity are marked **.
- BRJ Run and Tri www.brjrunandtri.org
- Bushfield Joggers www.bushfieldjoggers.co.uk
- Cambridge & Coleridge AC** www.cambridgeandcoleridge.org.uk
- Cambridge Triathlon www.cambridgetriathlonclub.com
- Cambridge University AC** www.cuac.org.uk (closed club)
- Cambridge University Hare and Hounds www.cuhh.org.uk
- Cambs Schools AA** www.cambsathletics.org.uk
- Ely Runners www.elyrunners.co.uk
- Eye Community Runners www.eyerunners.co.uk
- Fenland Running Club www.fenlandrunningclub.co.uk
- Helpston Harriers
- Histon Schools
- Huntingdonshire AC** www.huntsac.org.uk
- Little Paxton PS
- March AC www.marchathleticclub.co.uk
- Muddy Mucky Munkeys
- Peterborough & Nene Valley AC** www.nvh.org.uk
- Ramsey Road Running Club www.ramseyroadrunners.org.uk
- Royston Runners
- St Faiths School www.stfaiths.com (school)
- St Neots Riverside Running Club www.riverside-runners.org.uk
- Sawtry Walk to run
- Thorney Running club www.thorneyrunningclub.co.uk
- Werrington Joggers** www.werringtonjoggers.co.uk
- Yaxley Runners and Joggers www.yaxleyrunners.org.uk
Cambs AA committee meetings 2024
19th January at 8pm
19th April at 8pm
5th July at 8pm
4th October at 8pm
6th December – AGM and awards evening at 7.30pm